I have not yet come to grips that the best rehearsal I’ve had for life was, as a six year old, playing “hide and go seek.” Sometimes I hid, sometime I sought, often I would not find, but the game required that I keep seeking. Success, love, family, renown, certainty, security, surety, God. Each hidden With greater, or lesser, skill, waiting for me to open the closet door, or peer behind the tree. But when seeking there, success or love, certainty, surety, or God, such would dart out from a different there, and rush to home base, touching it, shouting, “olly, olly, oxen, free, free, free.” A phrase I still don’t understand, and in which I’m uninterested in googling, although I hope I understand love, family, certainty hope, security, surety. God eludes me. When six, the game had its own thrill, now long past six, the game continues, but with less thrill. May I be presumptuous and speak for God? This gift from Him is our game of life, and for Him, A game with us? Olly, olly, oxen, Free, free, free.
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Hide and Go Seek
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I have not yet come to grips that the best rehearsal I’ve had for life was, as a six year old, playing “hide and go seek.” Sometimes I hid, sometime I sought, often I would not find, but the game required that I keep seeking. Success, love, family, renown, certainty, security, surety, God. Each hidden With greater, or lesser, skill, waiting for me to open the closet door, or peer behind the tree. But when seeking there, success or love, certainty, surety, or God, such would dart out from a different there, and rush to home base, touching it, shouting, “olly, olly, oxen, free, free, free.” A phrase I still don’t understand, and in which I’m uninterested in googling, although I hope I understand love, family, certainty hope, security, surety. God eludes me. When six, the game had its own thrill, now long past six, the game continues, but with less thrill. May I be presumptuous and speak for God? This gift from Him is our game of life, and for Him, A game with us? Olly, olly, oxen, Free, free, free.